CT race driver Tazio Torregiani arrived at the new track with his team confident, after a top ten finish in December at Daytona. The very fast .7 mile circuit was not easy to figure out. To make it even more challenging, WKA introduced a new Bridgestone tire for this round, to replace the very different and more familiar MG tires. Torregiani was one of the few drivers not to have driven this track or the new tires before. It was a struggle for the TazioTorregiani.com Racing Team to find the right set up. Quick learning and good feedback, together with a great drive still helped Tazio finish 12th in the first cadet final from a 19th qualifying position.

He did manage to save his best result for the last race of the weekend in Yamaha Sportsman light class. A driver flipped her kart on front him in the pre final, but no one was injured. In the final Tazio drove his best, making several passes and finishing 8th from 14th to another top ten finish.
The TazioTorregiani.com Racing Team next stop is at the MRP circuit in Southbend IN, last weekend of April, for the third round of the WKA Man Cup Sprint series.
Fairfield County driver Tazio Torregiani and his team would like to thank Engine Wizard Doug Fleming, and Coach/Tuner Mike Doty for their great help and support at the track.
The TazioTorregiani.com Racing Team is brought to you by www.NewCountryPorsche.com.
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